- The Club shall be known as The Southern Sporting Motor Cycle Club and shall have as its colours black, silver and red. Its objects shall be the encouragement and development of motorcycling, both in the promotion of and the participation in competitions and social functions in connection with motorcycling.
- The Club shall be affiliated to the Auto-Cycle Union.
- A President and up to three Vice-Presidents shall be elected each year at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Club shall be managed by an Honorary Committee, all of whom shall be full or honorary members of the Club. The Committee shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting, to serve for one year, and shall consist of:
- a Honorary Chairman
- b Honorary General Secretary
- c Honorary Treasurer
- d Honorary Social Secretary
- e Honorary Captain
- f Honorary Editor
- g Honorary Public Affairs Officer
The Club Captain is empowered to co-opt a Vice Captain, subject to Committee approval, who shall only have voting rights in the absence of the Captain.
No member shall hold more than one post on the Committee at any one time. In the case of a vacancy occurring in the Committee, the Committee shall immediately appoint another to the place of the one vacating office. Any member who is absent from two consecutive Committee meetings shall be asked to resign his post unless adequate reason is given.
Attendance at Committee meetings (but not General meetings) referred to in these rules may be in person or at the discretion of the Chairman (or the elected deputy in their absence), via the use of virtual conferencing technologies as may be available or appropriate for the business of the meeting concerned. Where this is enacted it shall be recorded fully in the minutes of the meeting.
- At any Committee meeting four (including the Chairman if present) shall constitute a quorum. In the absence of the Chairman, a deputy (who shall have a casting vote only, in addition to their own) shall be elected by those Committee members present. Under normal circumstances the Chairman would have a full vote at meetings should they wish to use it.
- In addition to the Committee, the following, who may be Full, Associate
or Honorary members, shall be elected by ballot, at the Annual General Meeting:
- a One Auditor (excluding the Treasurer or Honorary General Secretary).
- b Two ACU SE Centre Board Delegates
- c One Minutes Secretary
- d Other positions and representatives as defined by the Committeeeach year in the notice for the Annual General Meeting
These posts may be held in addition to any Committee post. It is the responsibility of the elected delegates to keep the Committee informed of the progress in the respective areas.
- An Annual General Meeting shall be held in February of each year. Reports shall be presented at the Annual General Meeting by the Honorary General Secretary, Social Secretary, Competitions Secretary, Public Relations Officer. An audited balance sheet shall be presented by the Honorary Treasurer. The Club account will be audited by the Honorary General Secretary and the elected auditor.
- Notice of at least one calendar month must be given of the date of the Annual General Meeting. All motions and nominations must be received, in writing, by the General Secretary at least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting.
- Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Committee or on the written request of not less than 25% of the voting members. At least fourteen days notice shall be given.
- At all General Meetings, 30% of the voting membership eligible to vote at the time shall form a quorum. Only fully paid-up Full and Honorary members may vote at any General Meeting in their own right. No subscriptions will be accepted after the published time of the meeting. Members unable to attend General Meetings may appoint a Honorary, full or associate member to be their proxy, by notifying the Hon General Secretary in writing or via E-Mail at least 24 hours prior to the meeting concerned with their request and choice of proxy. In exceptional circumstances the nomination of the proxy may be made with less than 24 hours notice (but before commencement of the meeting) at the sole discretion of the Hon General Secretary. The proxy will be provided with the voting papers of the appointing member.
- Any alterations to the rules shall only be made at a General Meeting, and notice of such alterations shall be given in the notice convening the meeting. Each member shall receive a copy of the rules after they have been ratified.
- Members shall hold themselves bound in honour, in all cases of dispute, disagreement, financial liability or to the interpretation of the
rules of the Club, to accept the decision of the Committee as final and binding.
- Election of Full, Associate, Honorary and Reciprocal members shall be by the Committee, on receipt of a proposal for election (which has been duly proposed and seconded by Club members). A copy of the current rules will be issued, free of charge, to all such members.
- There shall be four grades of membership:
- a Full Membership, whose holders shall enjoy the full benefits of the Club. There shall in addition to the standard full membership be a reduced rate of full membership equal to that of the associate member rate open to those people who are either full time students or registered disabled upon receipt of appropriate documentary proof.
- b Honorary Membership, which shall be bestowed at the discretion of the Committee. These members shall enjoy full benefits of the Club.
- c Associate Membership, at the discretion of the Committee. These members may not vote, nor hold a committee post. They may however receive Contact and participate fully in the Club (except sporting events). They may hold elected non-committee posts.
- d Reciprocal Membership, which is only open to members of other A-C U affiliated Clubs. These members may participate in sporting events and receive Contact and these shall be there only benefits.
- The annual subscription for the various grades of membership in rule 14 shall be decided, according to the prevailing circumstances, by the Committee and shall be operative from the first day of the month of the members acceptance by the Committee. Membership shall be for a period of twelve months from the date of acceptance by the committee or renewal. Renewals will be backdated to the last date of expiry unless a period of thirteen months has elapsed from that date, in which case the renewal will be for twelve months from the date of payment. Members whose subscriptions have lapsed for more than five years shall have to reapply for membership. The membership records will be maintained by the Honorary General Secretary.
- Every duly elected member binds himself to abide by the rules and regulations of the Club, to support Club organised events and to honour the good name of the Club at all times.
- No member of the Club shall compete in any event organised by the
Club, other than a club-restricted event, except at the discretion of a full Committee meeting.
- Any member who, in the opinion of the Committee, behaves in such a manner as to bring disrepute to the name of the Club may have his membership withdrawn.
- Neither the Club nor its Officials can be held responsible for any personal injury, nor loss of or damage to property at any time.
- Members names, addresses and contact details will be stored and used solely in connection with Club, Auto-Cycle Union and British Motorcyclists Federation affairs. Members accept that such records exist and may have access to their records by application to the Honorary General Secretary. The processing of all information will be detailed in and governed by the current version of the respective Privacy and Processing Notice for the membership grade concerned which will be available upon request from the Honorary General Secretary or via the Club’s website.
Rules 1 – 20 approved on 15th February 1984
Rule 21 approved on 19th February 1986
Re-issued on 20th February 1991
Rule 4, 6, 7, 10 and 14 revised on 17th February 1993 Rules 4, 6, 7 and 14 revised on 16th February 1994 Rules 10 and 15 revised on 15th February 1995
Rules 6 and 21 revised on 21st February 2001
Rule 6 revised on 16th February 2005
Rules 4, 5, 6 and 21 revised on 22nd February 2018 with the revised Rule 21 taking effect on 1st May 2018
Rules 6 and 10 revised on 20th February 2019
Rule 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 revised. Rule 19 deleted, rule 20 & 21 be renumbered Rule 19 & 20. Changes made on
20th February 2020.
Club Rules:
Data Protection:
How we will store your data: